
When we are pursuing our career goal, should use the same standard to emulate the performance in terms of style? Apart from the uniform of the industry, what to wear to work just like what to eat lunch. They are worrying. How can we be professional and be stylish at the same time? Smart Casual is perhaps the best choice. There are three rules of wearing mens fashion clothing in a smart casual way.

When you are going to meet a business partner and friend in the field of the same sort of competition, what should you wear? The first principle is not too formal. Don't confuse smart casual and casual. Smart casual is not casual. It is fashionable and vogue cozily.
Many people think suit has to match a tie. Actually leisure suit, a denim shirt and a round neck sweater will show youthful energy without being too casual. You can pair with suit pants. But khaki pants are recommended as well.


To meet potential customers, you can't wear casually. You may choose suit. You think grey flannel/tweed suit is a little too simple. When you are clever enough to play with color and proportion, your outfit is not boring at all. Join the items such as blackish green, wine red, dark blue, turmeric such high saturation and low lightness color to let your whole Look clean. If you don't need to carry documents, carry a handbag instead of a briefcase.

When you are in doubt whether low top martin boots with the business and leisure are in tune, there are countless designers making a powerful demonstration. Although jeans are a little casual, but wearing a suede hunting jacket is composed and chic. You can consider wearing red pieces that are the best representation of autumn. Although it never quit the stage of the fashion, but this year red is much hotter than usual.

