
The How and Why of Updating Multiple Blogs at Once

When setting up your social media campaign, you might as well set up accounts at multiple blogs and social media web sites. Using Ping.fm, you can update multiple sites at once. The reason you'd want to do that is because there is both a search engine optimization advantage as well as a social networking advantage. From an as SEO perspective, every place on the web where your content is located is another place that can be a keyword link back to your main web site. So if you write a blog post that contains a couple of keyword links and then distribute that blog post to Blogger, WordPress, Tumbler and any number of other social media sites, then you've created a bunch of new keyword links to your website.From a networking perspective, all of these types of sites have their own social aspects that can be taken advantage of. For example, your blogs can be subscribed to by RSS. In Nail Brush addition, a lot of these sites have their own "friend" system. In the world of social media, it's good to have lots of friends. Distributing content to multiple social media sites expands your opportunity to get your writing in front led light bulbs of more people and to make more social connections.Do not worry about duplicate content. It may have somewhat less of an SEO impact, but again, you are getting your message in front of a lot more people. And a person who's active on one particular social media site is probably much less active in others. There is probably not that much of a chance of someone seeing your content on multiple sites. And if they do…so what?As stated in the first paragraph, Ping.fm facilitates this process. All you have to do is set up your accounts at the various sites, then configure Ping.fm to access those sites. Then you post a blog through Ping.fm, it will automatically post to all your blogs. Another advantage of using Ping.fm is that you can also update micro-blogs, such as Twitter, and status update sites, such as Facebook. One caveat is that you have to be careful not to update your statuses and blogs at the same time; otherwise you will end up with very short blog posts that have no title.Use this strategy of updating multiple social media sites at once and you will get much better leverage on the time you spend writing and much wider distribution of your marketing message. You might even make a few friends.

