
Reducing Carbon Footprints in the Publishing Industry

Corporate social responsibility is defined by Wikipedia as 'a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model… Business would embrace responsibility for the impact of their activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere.' Companies, big and small alike, all over the world are looking for ways to make their contribution and give back to society. One of these is by practicing environmentally acceptable business processes.'The Inconvenient Truth' opened our eyes to the irreversible trend of global warming. But it also told us that despite this unfortunate trend, we can still, collectively as a people, do something to slow down the process. If you like, this is similar to the fact that all human beings will die at some point; but we take measures to slow down the process. So how then could companies engage in making marketing collateral practice Nail Brush corporate social responsibility?There are a lot of ways for businesses engaged in publishing like catalog printing or brochure printing to incorporate methods of self-regulation. One of them is through the reduction of their corporate footprint.First reduction strategy. Publishing companies use papers for printing catalogs, flyers or brochures. Over the years, the use of papers has taken its toll on our forests. Publishing companies must find ways to reuse paper Iphone 4s Dust proof Plug for their printing needs. They must be able to offer their clients eco-friendly paper for their catalog printing for example. Government can also pitch in by offering incentives to companies which use recycled paper.Second reduction strategy. Publishing companies must source out their paper needs from 'sustainable forests.' These forests are cultivated and developed to produce particular raw materials. Trees in 'sustainable forests' are fast growing; hence, they can be quickly replenished. By patronizing these types of forests, you can be assured that the trees they cut down are now the wild centuries’ old trees in primary growth forests.Third reduction strategy. Publishing companies must ensure that the inks they use for printing catalogs, flyers or any marketing collaterals are non-toxic. These inks are safe to use and their components breakdown into units that can be 'digested' by the environment. Unlike those harmful varieties which linger in the environment for a long time, the non-toxic ones are not harmful to other organisms including humans.There are more ways to reduce a publishing company's environmental footprint. Those that were mentioned above are just some which are directly linked to their operations. There are other indirect ways to reduce their corporate footprint such as reducing their energy consumption by harnessing solar power or reducing carbon monoxide emission by controlling the use of their fleets. These initiatives, however small they are, matter. At the end of the day, everyone, including you and me, must make our own contribution to ensure the sustainability of humanity.

